Sunday, February 1, 2015

Seeing God's Path

In the last week and half, I have been so busy I haven't had time to do anything. I have been subbing everyday, when I get done subbing I go to work at Sylvan and then go home, help with supper, settle down from the day's activities and then go to bed and start all over the next day.

 While Sunday's are suppose to be a day of rest, most often they end up being the day to get the house cleaned and laundry done. This Sunday we have 5 inches of snow with high winds so it is blowing and church was canceled. I did some laundry yesterday so I have a "day off" however a woman's day off and a man's day off seem to be totally different.

Even with the 5 inches of snow, I have cleaned the keurig machine, swept the kitchen floors, and gathered even more laundry to do later on today and later will scoop the snow so that I can get out of the driveway tomorrow and not get stuck. This on my day off. What's my husband doing you ask...he is still asleep and will be for several more hours I am sure.

I am not complaining...really. I love my house being cleaned and find it very therapeutic to clean so I don't mind doing that. I really don't like scooping snow but that is part of living in Nebraska :) I opened up my devotional book and this verse stood out to me...

Show me the right path, O Lord, point out the road for me to follow. Psalm 25:4 NLT

Sometimes we just need to be still and listen and look to see and hear what God is saying to us. He leads our paths and He will point it out to us, we just need to be willing to see and listen to what He has laid before us. With this said I leave you with this pretty picture from our porch taken this morning.