Monday, January 19, 2015

If at first you don't succeed

When at first you don't succeed...sit down and eat ice cream! Then try it again :)

So here it goes:

I have tried to have a blog before. I have promised that I would write at least once a week. I want to make a difference. I want to feel like my life has meaning.  Sometimes I feel like I don't matter at all. Sometimes I think that my words don't matter... nobody is going to read or care what I say. This may be true, it may not be true but the point is that hopefully someday I can look back on what I said and where I was and hopefully see growth. If I can help someone along the way awesome!

I feel like a failure in a lot of different areas in my life. I know that this is untrue. True I make a lot of mistakes...sometimes I make the same mistake over and over again. But one thing I know, at least in my head, I don't always feel it in my heart is that I am right where God wants me to be and he has given me everything I need to accomplish his plan in my life, even when his plan is very different than what I have planned. His plan is always better than my own. I just need to remember that.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year...

So we are 3 days into the new year...How is your resolution(s) going? I made several this year.

1. I want to blog more...I want to pick at least one day a week and blog on that day. Honestly
    it will probably be on Saturday or Sunday as that is when I have the most free time. (so far so

2. I want to read the Bible every day. Even if it is just a chapter or so I want to be in God's word 

3. I want to be healthier...I want to eat more fruits and vegetables and a lot of less processed foods
    and I don't want to eat out as much. It seems convenient and honestly in a lot of ways it is
     however it comes at a cost that is much more than the initial $4-$7 per meal.

I want to leave you with this verse.

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong and do everything with love."            1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NLT