Friday, October 31, 2014

what's in a word

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

I heard this verse the other day and there is one word that stuck out to me...sufficient. If you look up the word sufficient it means enough or adequate. This verse is about Gods grace not about there being a sufficient amount of food at the holiday table or a sufficient amount of money to cover this months bills, we are talking about grace...

The second part talks about boasting in our weaknesses so that Christ's power can rest on us, and not only boasting but being glad about it. When we take the good with the bad and are still able to point to Christ, we are giving him the glory.

God's grace is sufficient for us. We don't have to do anything to earn it, in all actuality we don't deserve it at all. It is a free gift from God, but it is all we need.

Friday, October 24, 2014

confessions of a middle school substitute teacher

I love kids.  It has always been my dream to be a teacher.  I've always thought I would be an elementary teacher. while this is still my dream, I have come to appreciate the awkwardness of a middle schooler.

Middle School is an odd age. They're not little kids anymore but they're not  mature either. They go into middle school children and three years later leave as young adults. They are trying (usually unsussessfully) to find themselves and their niche in the world. They think they know it all. I mean after all, they have gone through elementary school. This is all before we get to the hormonal changes that are going in in their pre adolescent bodies. Aww the wonders of junior high.

Let me tell you a few things I have observed in my two yrs of subbing.

1. They have a new best friend every day. There is so much drama especially among the girls. One day they hate each other and are never ever going to talk to one another again, the next day they're sitting together eating lunch at the same table.

2. They have a hard time remembering things like to put their name on their paper even though that was drilled into them in elementary school. They convinently forget their homework at home since they wore out "the dog ate my homework excuse." This does not mean their not learning.

3. They love technology and given a chance they can show you just how much they have learned given a chance. It can be iPads, phones, smart boards or any other form of technology. They just "get it" in ways adults may not.

4. They are active learners. In the elementary level we keep the kids busy going from one activity to another. The same technique can be used for middle schoolers as well. They have to talk things out I order to learn. If they are talking it out, they are "teaching" their peers while their peers are hearing it from someone rather than their teacher and maybe in a different point of view.

I'm sure there is more I could add and please feel free to add more in the comments however for now, I'm going to sign off. Just remember that this too shall pass.

<>< nicole ><>

Monday, October 20, 2014

In the world not of the world

 We are in this world but we are not of this world. Let me explain...

As believers, we are physically present in the world but not of it. We were bought with a price. The price of Jesus' blood. Because of that, we have the privilege of  being set apart. This is the very meaning of being holy--to be set apart. We are to conform our selves and our minds to be as much like Christ as possible.  Romans 12:2 says "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

We are to live in such a way that those who do not yet know Christ see Christ in us through our words, actions, and the way we live. There is suppose to be something "different" about us. We are in the world. This is a fact. We are to enjoy the little things in life. Stop and smell the roses once in awhile. Do something that you enjoy but do not be conformed by the world and what it says is valuable. The world says that we need the next technological gadget, we need the newest up to date cell phone, or that we have to have ___________ because everyone else is getting one. These things are just that...things, stuff that will break, wear down, or become yesterdays news. We are in this for the long haul....eventually, we will have a crown that will never tarnish and will be just as beautiful 1000 years after receive as it was the day we got it. We will live in a perfect place where we don't have to be different. We will be in Heaven. Until that day, we are to live in such a way that Christ is the center and we point the way back to him for others. Pleasure is no longer calling in this life, living a life that points to Christ is.