Sunday, November 30, 2014

eggs, potatoes, and coffee

This world is a fallen world. There is sin in the world and bad things happen to good people and there really is no explanation for it most of the time other than this...SIN. With this being said unfortunately, at one point in time, something bad will happen to you or your loved ones, the question to ask isn't why did this happen, the question to ask is what am I going to do about it. The way I see it, we can react in one of three ways, we can be an egg, a potato, or coffee. Let me take a minute and explain:

The egg:
when you take an egg out of the refrigerator, it is a very fragile item. It has a little bit of a shell to help protect the liquid interior but that shell cracks easily and once cracked it doesn't take long for the whole shell to fall apart and break and your left with a big mess.

A Potato:
A strong sturdy item. Hard and not very giving in shape when dropped. It remains the same. It is unrelenting.

Coffee: Coffee beans smell wonderful. May even make someone smile just by the scent of them. Kind of bitter if you try to eat them by themselves.

I know I know...your thinking you have not given very good analogies. Let me finish. What happens to that said egg, potato, and coffee when introduced to hot boiling water for about 20 minutes?

The egg still has that hard outer shell. It has become a hard boiled egg with not only a somewhat protective outer shell but it has become hardened now on the inside. I have known several people who when bad things happen, they become even more angry at the world and become hard toward their surroundings.

The potato goes in and it is strong and hard but when faced with the same adversity, 20 minutes of boiling water, it becomes soft and mushy. I have known several people who go in and act like they are kings or queens of the world and nothing will bring them down. however when faced with adversity, they become soft and mushy just like the potato.

The coffee goes in and is very unique. When faced with the boiling water, they changed it into something completely different. I have known a few people like this but not as many. They are people who will take the bad thing that happens and make the best of their circumstances. Is it what they would have chosen? More than likely not but they take what they have and make the best of the situation.

So now my question is...Which one are you?

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