Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I'm free

Parenting is a rough gig (so I've been told, however I am a teacher so I know how much work children can be.) Marriage is a rough gig. Friendship is a rough gig. This being human stuff is a rough gig. I am always messing up. I yell too much, praise too little, complain too much, affirm too little, forget too much, reach out too little, prideful too much and humble too little. Some days it feels like everything and everyone I'm in charge of gets messed up. I can't keep up. I'm so self absorbed I don't even know what the Jones's are doing, but I know I can't keep up with my own expectations and demands. I generally have good intentions, maybe even a moderately good plan, but then when it comes time to execute...disaster. Inevitable. My life is a waking disaster. I'm my own whirlwind with five little whirling dervishes buzzing circles (these are the dogs and cats...not kids yet!) around me. I am dizzy and I am tired. And the harder I try it seems the more impossible it becomes. And then I remember a promise. A promise of love and forgiveness. A promise of peace and hope and rest. And I calm. My anxieties slowly lessen. I don't measure up to this world's standards in any capacity of my life. I don't measure up to my own standards. And alone I certainly don't measure up to God's. But I don't have to. I'm free. I'm free because through baptism and Christ's death the Father sees Him and His perfection when he looks at me. Christ DOES measure up. He has met the standard. I am forgiven and renewed to continue in my earthly life with the promise of a worry-free, comparison-free, hassle-free, disappointment-free new life in eternity. So I continue on as a child of the King - Seeking to do his will and serve his ways, but resting in his grace

Rest in God's grace...

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